Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 3 round 2

January 27, 2010

HEY!!!! Man did I sleep good last night. When my alarm went off for me to call and wake up Keith and the kids i wanted to go back to bed. lol I did sleep a couple emore hours but don't tell them...

So today Dr Luskey came in and said my blood was still normal even after two bags of chemo! Im telling you its a GOD THING! :-) Today they unhooked all my fluid lines today and I got a good long HOT shower and put my street clothes on... I feel better when I am in regualr clothes and Mom and I took a LONG stroll!

We went down to the community blood bank here at Memorial and I registered as a receipiant. Now when anyone goes to the comminuty blood banks in Georgia and Florida and donates blood in my name I get credit :-). We also got all the information we needed to get a Blood drive set up (more info to come I'm super excited about this). Not only did we walk around the hospital I snuck out to the car and rode around from the emergency room side to the front parking area... I dont guess I was supposed to do that but it's ok I cause I did not leave campus :-)

Now the time is 8:30pm and Bag 3 of chemo just started... Ready to ROCK this! People are simply amazed when they find out I am taking chemo. I havent felt sick or anything and I continue to pray that I wont!

I will update ya tomorrow!

Love and Peace to all!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! Rock on!
    I am excited about the Blood drive too! I may even donate blood for my very first time if my hemoglobin is high enough after my doctor appt!
