Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 2 Round 2

Today is Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Well the chemo I am taking is Ara-C. I'm getting very Strong doses. The dosing schedule is 6 doses over 5 days. IE... I got a dose at midnight last night and I will get a dose at noon today. I will skip tomorrow and get a dose Midnight on Thursday and then noon on Friday and so on and so on. Dr Luskey just came in and said that all my blood work was still looking good. You know what is funny to me... My blood is good and now they are going to bring all my levels down. CRAZY! But whatever I need to do is what I will do!

So its now noon and my second bag of chemo just started.. No problems at all with this bag either.. i keep telling everyone I'm gonna ROCK this Chemo just like I did last time.

Over all Wednesday for an uneventful day just like I like...

The kids went to Church last night with Michelle Peterson. It was a great service from what I hear. Prophet Foote was there. He prophesied over Jonathan. He said in a nut shell that Jonathan would pull down strongholds and witness to his friends at an early age. He said that Jonathan would declare Gods word and walk in to nations. The doorways will open for Jonathan and Jonathan would have a calm and cool spirit. And that there is an outpouring of the spirit all around him. AMAZING!!!! I just wish I could have been there!

Day 3 is just around the corner... I'm going to leave you with a Bible Verse. Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you!!!


1 comment:

    I love your new background! The birds flew away! :) You WILL indeed rock chemo this time, and every other time, because you know God has it all in His hands!
    Church was indeed amazing., CDs will be available. Church ended at 1:15 this morning. WOW!
