Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I am an emotional mess!

Well y'all it looks like my transplant will begin on April 19. I will arrive at Emory on April 19th and I will begin chemo that day. I will be taking chemo for 6 days and Chris (my donor brother) will arrive on April 25th for blood work and they will take his stem cells on April 26th and give them to me. I am suddenly becoming an emotional mess. It seems like everything is happening so fast. I cry at the drop of a hat. I cry when i fold laundry, I cry when I wake the kids and Keith up every morning, I cry when I cook dinner and I even cry when I go to bed at night. I cry because I will not be here (i will be 250 miles away and not just across town in the hospital). I cry because I am going to miss Keith, Satin and Jonathan more than anyone will ever know. I know I have to do this because this is my best chance of being Leukemia free forever. I don't have any doubts that the kids will be taken care of. Satin has decided to stay most of her time home with Keith and Jonathan, of course, will be staying with Kevin and Chris. He is really excited about staying with his uncles. Satin wants to stay home and take care of the house, the dogs and Keith. She and Keith have all the TV shows set to record in the living room so they will have things to do. They are even planning their meals for when I am gone. I will keep everyone posted of my newest chapter in life. Peace and Love to everyone! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13


  1. When God is for us Who can be against us.

    I keep that in the back of my mind at all times. My father had leukemia and beat it, so I know you can too. You have a large extended family here with us at IWC. If you need anything or just want to talk you can call us. Love ya!

  2. I love you girl and continue to pray for you.
