Friday, March 25, 2011


Hello Everyone!

Sorry I haven't been updating like I should be! I have been very busy... But I will make every effort to do a better job!

Well to start I was admitted to Memorial Hospital for my second consolidation chemo on March 8. I was back home by March 13. This time chemo was a little bit rougher on me. They say it happens that way sometimes. I had a terrible headache everyday and I was nauseated, too. All this was new because I had not had any of these side affects before. But now that it's over and I feel pretty good today. After Chemo my blood levels dropped fast this time and remained low longer. I have have 6 units of blood and 2 super bags of platelets. But now I do feel alot better.

I have appointments at Emory on Monday and Tuesday for pre transplant tests. My brother, Chris will also be getting checked out to make sure he is healthy enough to donate stem cells. Keep us in your Prayers as we travel to Atlanta. I may get to see my Brother Steven this weekend also., I haven't seen him in 8 years!

Y'all have a great night and I will update you guys after Emory!

Peace, Love and Chicken Grease!! Oh yeah my hair growing, BUT ITS REALLY GREY!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Playing catch up AGAIN

Well I know I have been MIA for a month or so... I am sorry but I will do my best to get everyone caught up.

I was released from the hospital on January 30 and felt pretty good. I continued to feel good even though my blood levels were dropping.... UNTIL i had to get two units of blood... I got two units of blood and started running a fever that night. I continued to run a fever for about 4 days. It never went high enough to take me back to the hospital. But it sure made me feel bad and tired and worn out. I got thru this and my levels began to rise and I felt better again.

I went for my second visit to Emory on March 2 and we decided that another round of consolidation chemo would be best for me. I am still having a stem cell transplant as long as my brother, Chris, and I pass the pre test. He already passed one by being my perfect match!!! The transplant will send me to Atlanta for 3 months. It will be a tough three months but we will make it. I will miss my husband and kids more than i can even explain. My mom will be going to Atlanta with me because I can't be left alone.

We had the Bowling for Stephanie Fundraiser and it was a HUGE sucess! We raised well over $7000.00 and had alot of fun!!

Well I will promise to do better on my blogging and keep you updated through round 3 which starts tomorrow!!!